Flexible Seating Ideas for the Classroom
Flexible seating in the classroom is one of the best changes I’ve made over the years. Flexible classroom seating allows students to take ownership over their own learning. With the right procedures and expectations, flexible seating can lead to a classroom full of independent workers.
If you are interested in hearing a more detailed description of flexible seating, you can check out this amazing podcast I did with Edverything Education!
I did include some Amazon affiliate links for you to easily grab flexible seating for your kids! It doesn’t cost you anything extra, but it gives me a little money back that I can spend on my students. If you are going to purchase, I’d love if you used my link friends! Thanks for always being so supportive!
Flexible Seating in the Classroom Tips:
1. Allow students to choose their seats. They should always have the option to work at a regular desk with a chair. Students should not be forced to work in a place where they are not comfortable.
2. Introduce flexible seating slowly. The first couple weeks of school I have students rotate tables daily. This allows them to get used to the new seats. (I always give them the option to use a regular chair as well.) After they are comfortable with the seating, I allow them to choose their own seats.
3. Set CLEAR expectation when introducing flexible seating in the classroom. Model for students what each seat will look like and NOT look like. Allow students to help set rules and expectations for flexible seating together as a class.
Flexible Seating Options in my Classroom
Crate Seats: I picked up these crates for $3 at back to school time. I then took them to Home Depot and a very nice worker cut a piece of wood to slide onto the top for me. They cut the wood for free too! I then stuck some cushions from Walmart on top and hot glued fabric over the top!
Donut Chairs: $15 from Marshall’s. How could I pass those up? They were donuts!
Scoop Rockers: I grabbed mine at Aldi a couple years ago for $5, but they also have them on Amazon HERE!
Wiggle Seats: I used Scholastic Book Points to snag these for free! If you don’t have points, they can be found HERE on Amazon!
Yoga Balls: You can order these online for $5 from Walmart or grab them HERE on Amazon!
Fidget Bands: These are around the legs of my regular desks and chairs for kids to kick. These are from Fidgeteez!
Traditional Seats: I always have an option for students to grab a regular chair too! I store the chairs in the back of the room.
Flexible Seating in the Classroom Storage Ideas:
I store whiteboards and clipboards in crates next to each table. All of their supplies is shared. We use caddies on the table for coloring supplies and pencils.
Each student has a numbered cubby. Students keep one desk folder out all day long. Then they grab extra supplies in their cubby as needed. Standing up to grab supplies allows them to get their wiggles out too!
If you are interested in hearing a more detailed description of flexible seating, you can check out this amazing podcast I did with Edverything Education! Please feel free to message me on Instagram at @TheSprinkleToppedTeacher with questions and I will get back to you right away!