Editable ABC Countdown to Summer
The ABC countdown to summer is one of my favorite activities to review the alphabet and get kids excited about the last couple weeks of school! The ABC countdown to summer is an activity where you have a letter for each of the last 26 days of school. Each letter gives you and activity you will do that day. For example A is for art project day! The ABC countdown to summer not only keeps my kids motivated those last couple weeks, but myself as well!
How the ABC Countdown to Summer Works:
I created an ABC countdown document that I quickly edit each year to make sure it lines up with our school days. When thinking of alphabet countdown activities, I tried to come up with activities that did not cost money or require a lot of time, but still add a little something extra and fun to our day!
I sent the ABC countdown to summer page home with students as well as send a picture through my communication app so that parents have a copy on hand!
Here’s what our ABC count to summer looked like this year:
A is for Art Day! We painted a butterfly this year!
B is for Bubbles Day! We blew bubbles outside!
C is for Chalk Day! Head outside to draw with chalk!
You better believe D will also be Donut Day!
You can also change them up to fit what supplies you already have in your classroom and the dates are editable as well!
ABC Countdown to Summer – Editable
If you want a copy of the one I use, you can grab it HERE! It’s completely editable so you can change it to fit the needs of your students!
The ABC countdown to summer is one of my favorite activities to add engagement those last couple weeks of school! If you decide to try it out this year, be sure to tag me on Instagram @TheSprinkleToppedTeacher so I can share your ideas!