Self Care Idea for Teachers
For as much as teachers love to teach, it can also bring on a lot of stress and anxiety. These are the moments when teachers need to take a step back and practice self care. One idea for teachers is to keep a Happy File near or on their desk.
What is a Happy File?
A Happy File is a place where teachers can collect the moments that make them smile throughout the school year. It can be sweet parent notes, letters from students, those funny misspellings students make, or a little post-it where you write down something silly or kind that a student said that day.
What do you do with your Happy File?
When you have a tough day in the classroom, your Happy File is a place that will bring you a smile. Your Happy File will remind you of your WHY.
My FREE Happy File gift to you!
As a little gift to all the amazing teachers out there, I’ve created a FREE cover you can glue to a file folder so you are all set! Download them here!
Practicing self care as a teacher is so important! Be sure to create your own Happy File today and start saving your smile-worthy moments!