3 Tips for Prepping for Next School Year Now
Let’s face it, the beginning of a new school year can be an overwhelming time for teachers. It is a time of getting to know new students, setting expectations, kick-starting a year of learning with worksheets, projects, etc. To set yourself up for a successful new year, don’t wait until the last minute to start preparing… start now! Little steps at the end of a school year can take a huge load off you once a new year approaches. We all want to make our new school year as stress-free as possible, so let’s check out my 3 tips for prepping for a new school year right now!
1. Prep Copies for Next Year
The beginning of the school year always includes tons of copies, worksheets, and paperwork prep. The end of the school year is a great opportunity to take some of that prep work off your plate for next year by making your copies ahead of time, because who likes to stand at the copy machine for eternity at the start of the new school year? Not me! Prep copies of spelling test papers, reading calendars, handwriting notebooks, worksheets, daily warm-ups, and anything you know you use daily or weekly! Then keep them front and center in your classroom so you will see them when you head back after the summer. I loved having these handwriting worksheets copied into booklets for the entire year before I left for summer!

2. Keep a Running List on Your Phone
Are you a list maker like me? I love a good list! When prepping for a new school year, lists are important to keep you on task and help remind you of everything that needs to be done. As the school year winds down, make sure you are keeping a running list of ideas you have for the next school year. This can include things like what you need to buy, bulletin board themes, worksheets, and paperwork to print, ideas, etc. Now you will have a streamlined list of what needs to be done before you head back after break, no more guesswork! I suggest keeping it on your phone, so you can pull it up anywhere or any time!

3. Set a Daily Cleaning Timer
Setting aside small amounts of time to get things prepared is a great way to block off time each day without it feeling like a huge task. Set a 15-minute timer every single day after school to organize spaces in your classroom that may need a quick tidy up. I suggest starting this the last month of school! We all know that throughout the year our classroom spaces can get a little out of control. Setting this daily timer will allow you to take a short block of time out of your day to focus on a certain spot in your room. Clean out cubby holes, reorganize centers, throw away any junk and get your room neat and tidy so you leave it prepped for next year!
This trick is great for making sure you can actually leave on time when that final school bell rings for summer!

Prep Now, Relax Later
Summer break is awesome, but it feels so much better when you already have a leg up on the next school year! Knowing that most of your preparation is behind you will let you truly enjoy your break and focus on relaxing during your time off. Take these 3 tips and start implementing them into your daily school day now, and you will thank yourself later! Just imagine heading into a new school year without feeling stressed and overwhelmed with a ton of work? Sounds great right! Now you can enter the classroom feeling refreshed, ready to focus on your new students, and geared up for a great year of learning!