Virtual Teacher Interview Tips
If regular interviews weren’t already a little nerve wracking, now there is a new interview territory to prepare for: the virtual teacher interview.
If you are currently on the job hunt for a teaching position, there is a good chance you will have to go through the virtual interview process. While the questions will likely stay the same, there are a few key things you will need to get right to make sure your virtual teacher interview goes as smoothly as possible!
Totally new to virtual teacher interviews? Looking for that edge to nail your next virtual interview? Don’t stress, you’ve got this. I’ve prepared a free checklist to get you virtual teacher interview ready. It’s got everything you’ll need to ace that interview and get the teaching job of your dreams, even during these uncertain times.

How do you prepare for a virtual teacher interview?
Many of the must-haves for regular interviews still apply to virtual teacher interviews. Let’s run through some of the major dos and don’ts that you are going to want to keep in mind to get the job!
Do: Dress for success! Make sure your appearance is polished and professional. Even though you will be sitting in the comfort of your own home, it is still so important to look your best. Prep your hair and outfit the same way you would if you were meeting in person for the interview. While they won’t be able to see your entire outfit, it will get you in the right headspace to ace the interview.
Don’t: Conduct your interview from an odd location, like your car or your bedroom. Pick a location where the background is simple and free of movement, like an office or even your living room (if it’s clutter-free). Make sure you are alone in the room, and use headphones if you think there may be some unexpected background noise. As important as your physical appearance is, the appearance of your background matters just as much to keep the interview running smoothly!

Do: Test your audio and video connection prior to joining the interview. Obviously, this is a big one! You can’t have the interview in the first place if your computer isn’t working properly. Always be prepared to brace yourself for the unexpected, and try to have a back-up plan ready if something goes wrong with your technology. Interviewers are generally aware that things go wrong with virtual interviews sometimes, but showing that you’re able to manage the unprecedented will go a long way, especially for a virtual teacher interview (teaching is all about expecting the unexpected!)
Don’t: Be afraid to let your personality shine through! It’s always hard with interviews, but whoever is conducting your virtual teacher interview will want to see who YOU are. Try not to stress too much, and just be your amazing self. If you follow this checklist, you can log into your interview confident that you’ve done everything you can to make a great impression. Remember, you don’t have to be perfect!
Do: Practice, practice, practice! Set aside a good chunk of time prior to your virtual teacher interview to get yourself prepared. The more prepared you are, the more confident you will be once it’s time for the interview. You do not have to have all of your answers memorized or sound overly rehearsed, but familiarize yourself with your key talking points. For my best tip to round out the practice process, check out page two of my virtual teacher interview checklist!

Pro Tip: Keep post-it notes in front of your computer to remind yourself of questions or things you want to share. (This is a HUGE perk to interviewing virtually!)
Don’t: Forget to do your research! Make sure to do your research on whichever school you are applying for. Your interviewer will want to see that you have familiarized yourself with the school and its mission. Principals want teachers that care about their school’s values!
I also encourage you to research some common interview questions and write out your answers. No two interviews are exactly alike, but it is likely that your interviewer will include a common question (or a variation of one) in your interview. I recommend checking out your employer’s Glassdoor page (some schools will use this but not all) — people who have previously interviewed may have left examples of the questions that the school asked them!

Interviews can be scary, but they absolutely don’t have to be. With these tips and my virtual teacher interview checklist, you’ll (virtually) walk into that Zoom room ready to ace the interview! Remember — every interview is a learning experience, so don’t be too hard on yourself. You are amazing, capable, and will absolutely find the school that’s right for you. Just do your best, and good luck out there!
Have you gone through the virtual teacher interview process? What are some of your best tips for virtual interviews?