Digital Math Warm Ups For First Grade
Calling all first grade teachers! Do you regularly incorporate math warm ups into your classroom schedule?
When it comes to math, it’s important to reinforce and review concepts as much as necessary in order to help students get those crucial skills down. Good math skills are one of the keys to success in school down the road.
I love using math warm ups regularly to get my students’ math gears spinning and help prep them for the day’s lesson. With that being said, it can be difficult to find the time to fit warm ups into the class routine every day. We know that our students need the practice, but we don’t want to take time away from the so-called “meat” of the day’s lesson.
Plus, typical math warm ups mean we spend more time at the copy machine and printer, making sure we have handouts for the entire class. It isn’t just a time sucker — it’s wasteful, too!

Well, do I have good news for you. These Digital Math Warm Ups for First Grade provide engaging, educational, and quick practice for students that will help them stay on top of their math game!
This first grade math review bundle is jam packed with math review that covers all math standards in the first grade. Even more, the resource is complete with all four quarters’ worth of math review activities. Yes, that means you can use it all year long!
My Digital Math Warm Ups for First Grade are amazing for in-person learning if you’re looking to cut down on copies. Simply put the day’s warm up on your Smartboard or projector and work through the warm up as a class.
These activities are also perfect for distance learning because they are self correcting! That’s right — students can easily navigate through the warm ups at home and see if they nailed their answers or need a little more work.

How do Digital Math Warm Ups For First Grade work?
As the 180 Days of Digital Math Warm Ups for First Grade progress, the activities get more difficult. For example, first quarter warm ups are easier with numbers 1-5 and 1-10, while the last quarter explores numbers up to 120!
Students begin their warm up by clicking “Present” on Google Slides. The warm up begins with a silly joke. To find the answer to the joke, students must collect ten “treats”. With every correct answer to a math review question, they receive a treat! Jokes are a fantastic way to connect with students and keep them engaged in lessons, even math. Your students will feel so motivated to discover the answer to the joke, they won’t even realize they’re practicing their math skills!
*These also work on ANY digital platform. Not just Google Slides! Hooray!

The easy digital format lets students click on the answer to each problem. If a wrong answer is selected, students will be able to go back and correct their work, aka select a new answer. This makes it perfect for distance learning, so students can see exactly where they went wrong and how to fix their answers.
Plus, the questions and jokes change every day, so your students never get tired of their math warm ups and continue to learn those important concepts!

What’s included in these First Grade Math Warm Ups?
Get all four quarters’ worth of math review with these Digital Math Warm Ups for First Grade! The bundle covers every first grade math standard to best prepare your students for success in school. The range of topics and activities includes…
● Skip Counting with pennies, nickels, and dimes
● Number Sense
● Fractions (whole, fourth/quarters, halves)
● Time (analog, digital, half past, o’clock)
● Measuring (nonstandard units)
● Addition & Subtraction through 100
● Place Value (1 more/less, 10 more/less, place value blocks, expanded form, word form, greater than, less than, comparing equations, fact families, part-part-whole, skip counting, etc.)
● Geometry (2D & 3D shapes, equal shares, sides, angles/vertices)
● Graphing
● Student recording sheet
With everything included, this resource is a great time saver for teachers. Low prep for the win! Plus, the directions are laid out to make it easy for students, so minimal instruction is required on your part.

Looking for more math warm ups?
I have math warm ups in this same amazing digital format for both second and third grade! Find Second Grade Digital Warm Ups here and Third Grade Digital Warm Ups here!
Math warm ups can be a super fun part of your class’s day with these Digital Math Warm Ups for First Grade! The best part about them is that for in-person learning, you don’t have to make any copies. Moreover, they are an amazing way to stay on top of your curriculum during distance learning. Have fun with these activities, and enjoy!
Ps. You can also try out an entire week for FREE!
What are your favorite ways to warm up your class for a great math lesson? I’d love to hear from you in the comments!