Teaching the Scientific Method with 7 Easy Science Experiments
I’m sure you have seen long, drawn-out lesson plans for teaching the scientific method in the elementary grades.
It doesn’t really have to be that difficult to teach kids how to work through the steps.
What if I told you there was an easy way to introduce the scientific method to your students and help reinforce science-related skills?
Well, there is! Maybe I should say I have seven easy ways to teach and reinforce the scientific method to students.
I actually came up with 7 Easy Science Experiments that do just that. (TIP: Use the code THANKYOU for 10% off today!)
They are easy, fun, and engaging.

Easy Experiments for Teaching the Scientific Method
I know you are wondering what these experiments entail. And you probably want to know just how easy they really are. Trust me. I like easy. They are easy.
The 7 easy science experiments include:
· Rainbow Milk Experiment
· Tornado in a Bottle Experiment
· Fingerprint Science Experiment (Read more about this one HERE)
· Marshmallow Toothpick Tower Experiment
· Coffee Filter Pigment Experiment
· Flubber Slime Experiment
· Clean and Dirty Penny Experiment

So, what’s in each book?
Each experiment can be used as a stand-alone project and includes:
· Directions for each experiment
· Full digital version
· Student flipbooks (fill in the blank, observation notes, experiment notes)

What is the digital version?
The digital version is the exact same lesson including the student worksheets, but it’s all done online.
Students get the same workbook pages on Google slides and can fill out the whole thing online and then click “present” to share their saved information with a teacher or parent.
This digital version can be incorporated into a virtual learning environment in a lot of ways.

You can make your own videos and upload them.
Maybe you don’t want to make a video. There are tons of them on YouTube that can be used when teaching the scientific method.
It’s versatile and super easy to adapt to your teaching style and teaching environment.
It can all be easily added to Google Drive, so you have the option of creating a full virtual experience for students.

Ways to Incorporate the 7 Easy Experiments Lessons into the Classroom
There are a lot of ways to use these lessons for teaching the scientific method.
Use it for an end-of-week, fun day activity on Fridays.
It makes a great reward lesson once students have accomplished a class goal.
It can be used for extension or enrichment activities.
What Other Teachers are Saying:

This bundle seriously has everything you need to teach and reinforce the scientific method. It has booklets, worksheets, directions, tab books, and a full digital version of the activities too.
Do you have any tried-and-true tricks for teaching the scientific method? Share your ideas with us!
P.S. Two ways to grab a copy of the 7 Easy Science Experiments
Shop The Sprinkle Topped Shop and use the code: THANKYOU for a discounted price!
Shop my TeachersPayTeachers store!