Easy Slime Experiment for Kids – Scientific Method
Slime experiments. Every kid’s obsession.
I’m all about using what my class is interested in to create easy and more engaging lessons!
We were studying the scientific method, so I used slime as a way to reinforce the steps of the scientific method!

Teaching the Easy Slime Experiment for Kids
Before I told the students anything about the science lesson for the day (I wanted it to be a surprise), I wrote this question on the board.
“What happens when you combine water, borax, and glue together?”
After discussing as a class we created our hypothesis.
This is when I passed out the mini-books because I knew the cover would give it away. These are the mini-books we used!
Hint: This is also when my class lost their minds with excitement as they realized we were making slime.

The Slime Experiment:
I likes using these mini books because they really helped guide our learning and keep us from getting sidetracked.
We started by practicing following directions. Some years, I have made slime as a whole class and other years we made it in small groups.
It really just depends what your students need this school year.

We then practiced recording our observations. Something we focused on was creating accurate drawings and labels, just like real scientists.
My favorite part of these booklets is the last page where it discusses the science behind the experiment.
This was perfect because I didn’t have to spend researching how to make tie slime into our science standards!
Grab a copy of the Easy Slime Experiment for Kids – Scientific Method Booklet HERE!

Teacher Tip for Slime:
You can use any color food coloring to make it fit a certain theme! For example use orange around Halloween or green around St. Patrick’s Day!
If it’s nice out, you can make slime outside!
There are also different recipes for slime. Feel free to use any of the recipes with this booklet.
You can also check out another of our favorite marshmallow toothpick STEM activities that have a scientific method booklet!
Whenever kids are excited about something, it’s always a great idea to tie it into a lesson! The added engagement and excitement, make learning tough standards a lot easier for kids!
The slime experiment for kids is such a fun way to introduce or reinforce the scientific method to kids!
Ps. If you want to grab a Bundle of 7 Easy Science Experiments, you can find those HERE! As a thank you for reading the blog, I’ve added a 10% off code for you! Use Code: THANKYOU
Have you ever made slime with your class?