A Letter to Teachers During COVID-19
Dear Teacher,
For many of you, your entire career has been flipped upside down.
Many of you gave your students a hug or fist bump out the door on Friday, still expecting to see them today. Now you are left with so much uncertainty… unsure of when or if you will get another surprise hug as you pick your kids up from recess this school year.
Not only that, but many of your brains are filled with worries for your students. Will they be fed? Is someone home to take care of them? What about students who don’t have access to technology? So many questions you might not have answers to yet.
Then on top of that, you were asked to completely change the way you teach within a matter of days or even hours.
It is a lot to process. Many of you are feeling pushed past your limits. Many of you are feeling relieved to be able to stay home with your own kids and keep your family healthy. Whatever you’re feeling, your feelings are valid.

I will say, it’s been absolutely amazing (not surprising at all) to see teachers come together in a matter of hours. There are free resources getting shared left and right. E-learning activities, printable worksheets, sample schedules for teachers and parents, free subscriptions, you name it.
As always, you stepped up to the challenge and came together to create what’s best for your students.
The world has asked so much of you in the past few days. I want you to know that what you’re doing, is enough.
I have no doubt that you are doing the best with what you’ve got. That’s all anyone can ask of you, and more importantly all YOU can ask of yourself.
In case you need a reminder… Your lesson plans don’t have to be perfect. We are all learning together. You will figure it out. You always do.

It’s in a teacher’s heart to always put others before yourself and your efforts don’t go unnoticed.
Don’t forget to step away and let yourself recharge. Watch some Netflix, cross some things off your to do list, snuggle your pets and loved ones, open the windows, put your phone away, do what you need to do to relax.
You deserve it.