Tips For Writing Substitute Teacher Plans
Teachers aren’t joking when they say they’d prefer going to school when they’re feeling sick rather than whip up sub plans at the last minute!
While it can be stressful to put together sub plans, having a great system in place will prevent you from neglecting your health on days when you really need a break. No teacher wants to be in a situation where they’re not sure if they prepared their substitute for the day ahead.
These tips for writing substitute teacher plans will ensure that your substitute is equipped to handle anything the school day throws their way and that your students stay on track with their curriculum while you’re absent!
Every time I need to be away from school, I follow these steps to put together my sub plans to make sure things run smoothly.
1. Include a class list!
First and foremost, your sub will need a class list! Include a list of all of your students along with any necessary notes for the sub. Ensure you can edit the list if needed in case anything should change.

2. Have a contact page!
In case your sub ever encounters an emergency or pressing question, have all relevant phone numbers in one easy spot for their convenience. This includes phone numbers for the principal, office, nurse, or other teachers in your grade level that may be helpful. It’s best to have this sheet readily available at the top of your plans so that your sub knows exactly who to call if a problem should arise!

3. Have a space for students who go to different classrooms throughout the day!
Make sure your sub knows exactly where your students go throughout the day! If you have students that move around to specialized classrooms (speech, resource, gifted, etc.), include a space to write all of that information down. This way, your students can stay on top of their schedule and your sub won’t be left confused or uncertain.

4. Use an easy to edit sub plan template!
Don’t reinvent the wheel! Create or find a template online that can be used over and over again for every day you’re out of the classroom. This is by far the easiest template I’ve found and use every time I’m unable to come into school.
Sub plans don’t have to take hours to put together. You can create the perfect sub plan in just 20 minutes with the 20 Minute Sub Plan Template, and edit it from anywhere, thanks to Google Docs! The easily editable template allows you to create and edit your sub plans from your phone while at the doctor’s office, in bed, or even at the airport. Once you’re finished, you can send your sub plans to a teammate with the click of a button so they can print and set them on your desk in the morning!

This 20 Minute Sub Plan Template includes…
● 5 Google Slide Documents (one for each day of the week)
● Example Sub Plans
● Step by step instructions on how to prep, use, and edit your sub plan template
● More tips on how to make sub plans quick and easy!
● Sub plans with the headings Monday-Friday and Day 1-Day 5
● Title page that is editable to fit any different schedule name
● Video tutorial with set up instructions (great if you are new to Google!)
As a bonus, the template also includes 20 pages of no prep reading and writing activities to be used with any book!
5. Post-it notes are your best friend!
Make sure to leave post-it notes on each assignment during the day. Write a number on each post-it note to show your sub the order they should follow when giving out assignments. The sub can easily grab each assignment as they make their way through the school day. With the post-it method, everyone stays on track and your classroom’s schedule doesn’t get thrown off while you’re away!
Bonus Tip: Star 2-3 assignments that are the most important so your sub knows what must be done! Every sub is different, and some can work much slower or faster than others. Making sure they know what absolutely must be done will leave you less frustrated in case a hectic day interferes with the sub’s plans.

Take Action: Get started on your template today!
These tips for writing substitute teacher plans will set your sub and your students up for a successful day of learning, even in your absence. Follow these tips to ensure that your classroom stays on top of their curriculum.
Preparing your sub doesn’t mean that you have to spend over an hour putting together sub plans. My favorite 20 Minute Sub Plan Template will become your go-to the next time you’re getting ready for a day off! Sub plans made easy? Yes please!
Do you have a substitute teacher plan in place? If so, I’d love to hear your best tips and thoughts! Leave a comment!