Advice for First Year Teachers
There’s nothing more exciting than graduating college and landing your first teaching job! But it turns out, there’s a whole lot they didn’t teach you in college. We’ve asked some amazing teachers to share their best advice for first year teachers and there’s definitely a theme!
We’d love for you to add to the list of advice in the comments too!
If I could share one piece of advice with my first year teacher self I’d tell them…

“1. Self-care first. You can only do so much and without taking care of yourself first— physically, mentally, and emotionally— you will not be able to give your best to your students. 2. Remember who you are and your teaching style. Yes, you’re new and it will be messy. But— remember that what everyone wants to share with you is their style and is a suggestion to you. Infuse what you want and ditch what you don’t. In the end, your style of teaching will develop and it will shine.” -Mike from @its_mr.mcgowen

“There’s really no such thing as a “normal” year, a pretty font doesn’t make your lessons better, and little moments ARE the big moments!” -Staci from @donutlovinteacher

“Don’t work on the weekends. Have focused work time during the week. Then, at the end of the week make a priority to do list you can begin on MONDAY. The peace of mind you think you’re gaining is actually robbing you of your PEACE on the weekends.” -Alexis from @theafroeducator

“I would tell her remember friend, you have a life and babies waiting for you at home. It’s OKAY to stay late sometimes but remember to set a time for yourself.” -Nimo from @mrs.nim0

“Don’t spend every weekend or night at school! The “to do” list will never get done so give yourself GRACE and take time to enjoy life in the evenings and weekends.” – KC from @atwinklingteacher

“I would tell her…to set an alarm one hour after dismissal. That’s your time to leave. That’s 5 hours of out-of-contract unpaid time spent at school. Anything left you need to prep can be done in the comfort of your home.” – Zoey from @shiningbrightinsecond

“I would tell her that it’s okay if you don’t get everything done! Your to do list will always keep growing no matter how long you’ve been teaching so give yourself grace and take time for yourself.” -Desiree from @createandeducate

“I would tell her to not forget priorities. Family, friends and self care matter most! Teacher to-do lists will always be there. Be organized and do what you can each day to go home and enjoy life when your contract time ends.” -Ashlyn from @thecreativeclassroom

“The list of things to do will never end and that’s ok! Choose what’s most important right now, tackle that task, and then go home. Spend time with family, friends, and do the things you love. You’re a better teacher when you are happier and have taken time to rest.” -Nicki from @thesprinkletoppedteacher
What advice do you have for first year teachers?
Share in the comments your best piece of advice for first year teachers!