Time to Learn Time: Teaching Time In Elementary School
Teaching time in elementary school can be a bit tricky! And if it wasn’t difficult enough, they need to learn to tell time on both analog and digital devices. Many teachers find teaching time in elementary school a difficult, but necessary part of their jobs.
It’s kind of like teaching two languages at once! It can be enough to make a teacher want to pull their hair out.
Repetition and reteaching the concepts over and over is the key to mastering this essential skill.
But doing the same thing over and over can get boring really fast for both students and teachers, right?
What if teaching AND learning to tell time were fun and exciting?
Finding a fun way for teaching time in elementary school was exactly what I was thinking when I came up with the Telling Time 2nd Grade Foldable Activity.

What’s Included in the Telling Time 2nd Grade Activity?
You’re going to love this fun activity for teaching time in elementary school classrooms.
The lesson plan comes with two full versions. One is filled out with the answers to further help students who may struggle with these key concepts.
The other version is blank so it can be filled out as you go through the information.

You’ll get a foldable full of time related activities! These sheets are filled out and then put together to create a reusable foldable that students can refer back to time and time again.
Worksheets are designed to cover time standards required by every state.
By working through the worksheets to build a foldable, students will learn:
· The parts of the clock
· Reading both analog and digital time clocks
· AM and PM times
· Time increments: O’clock, quarter after, quarter ‘til, and half past
· Time to five-minute increments
You also receive a step-by-step tutorial on how to create the time foldables quickly.

How to use the Foldable Activity for Teaching Time in Elementary School.
This is designed to allow for plenty of versatility in the classroom. There are unlimited ways to include the foldable activity to help elementary students master telling time. Here are a few ways to use it in your classroom:
· Use it to introduce a unit on telling time.
· Use it as an end-of-unit summary.
· The foldable activity can be used for an introduction to time, a foldable for students to use for studying, and a final assessment to be sure they mastered the concepts.
· It’s a great option for a Friday activity or centers to reinforce telling time skills.

Action Step:
You can grab a copy of this exact 2nd Grade Telling Time Activity template over in my TpT shop today! There’s also a 2nd Grade Math Activity Bundle that includes graphing, measuring, fractions, and more!
I’m sure you can come up with a few of your own great ideas for how to use the activity for teaching time in elementary school.
Share your exciting time-telling activities with us!