Teach Students to Answer Questions in Complete Sentences – 5 Day Unit
Are your students dropping the ball when it comes to learning to answer questions in complete sentences?
Answering in complete sentences is a foundational tool to retaining information. When students take time to answer by restating the question, they are squirreling away facts quickly!
I found that my students were really struggling with writing in complete sentences. Even for adults, it’s so much easier to give short one or two word answers. I decided that I wanted to give my class fun tutorials and reminders to break those “shortcut” writing habits.
I also wanted to help my fellow teachers present tips and tricks in a way that wasn’t mundane or taking up a lot of precious instruction time.

Introducing the Restate the Question 5 Day Unit
This bundle is going to help students write in complete sentences by learning to restate the question.
Does this look familiar?
You: “Matilda wore her favorite yellow shoes on the first day of school. What color were Matilda’s shoes?”
Students Answer: “Yellow.”
They’re going to learn to take the extra seconds to restate the question, giving a complete answer.

Restating the question is huge in reading comprehension! It’s important for students to write carefully, but doing so also allows them to read carefully.
I’m going to share with you the unit I used to teach my students to answer questions in complete sentences in 5 days!
I recommend this for 1st-3rd grade students, but I have teachers often say they use it with 4th-6th grade students as a review!
What’s inside?
I’m glad you asked!
Inside of the Restate the Question 5 Day Unit you’ll find:

5 Days of Activities – Over 45 pages to help kids answer in complete sentences!
Day 1- Anchor Chart and Whole Group Practice Game
Day 2- Scoot Game/Task Card Activity with Answer Key
Day 3- Whole Class Writing Practice Page
Day 4- Task Card Game for Independent Work
Day 5- Assessment

BONUS! Extension Activity: Quick check practice sentences
Head over to my Facebook live video for a deep-dive for a description of each day’s activities!

Is the Digital Version Included? YES!
What other teachers are saying about the answer in complete sentences activity:

Wrapping Up
Writing in complete sentences is going to be an integral part of your students’ learning experience. They just need a little support and kind nudge in the right direction. As you know, I’m a firm believer that learning (and teaching) should be fun!
The Restate the Question 5 Day Unit Bundle is a great tool to have in your toolbox this school year. Teaching virtually? No problem! I’m passionate about equipping you right where you are. Download the digital bundle today!
Grab the bundle with bonus content here!

Let me know how you have implemented lessons on writing in complete sentences in your class!