Student Teacher Mentor Pack
Have you ever served as a mentor for a student teacher? Searching for an easy way to record feedback for student teachers? If you are welcoming a student teacher into your classroom this year for the first time or need a plan to make mentoring easier for you, I have got the perfect resource for you!
You can learn a lot about the best practices for teaching while studying education, but there really isn’t a substitute for getting actual, hands-on experience in the classroom. Every single class, day, and student is different, and you can’t experience that until you step in front of the class.
I find the student teacher mentor program so valuable for these reasons. It is the greatest way to prepare for what it’s really like in the classroom and practice interacting with students. Once they are finished with their time as a student teacher, they’ll walk into their own classrooms feeling confident and ready to excel as a teacher!

As for us teachers who act as mentors to student teachers, I’ve found that there aren’t many resources out there to make the process easier for us. Feedback for student teachers and notes from us are so important. They help them realize what they could be doing better and what they are already excelling at. But a jumbled pile of notes isn’t much of a help to anyone, and disorganization could prevent them from learning as much as they can from us.
The role of a student teacher can be overwhelming too, especially if it’s their first time getting hands-on experience and being in front of a class of expectant faces. It’s super helpful to have a calendar and game plan laid out before your mentee begins so they know exactly what to expect and what’s expected of them!
With all of these thoughts in mind, I wanted to put together a comprehensive resource for all of you teachers out there who are preparing to mentor a student teacher! This Student Teacher Mentor Pack has everything you could want to make your mentorship the best it can be.
Have fun with your student teacher, and enjoy this done-for-you resource!

What’s included in the Student Teacher Mentor Pack?
This Student Teacher Mentor Pack has resources that will help you and your mentee through every step of the way, including…
● Google Docs Student Teacher Feedback Form (see preview for example)
● Daily Tasks to Assign Your New Student Teacher (Editable)
● Note Taking Pages (Editable)
● Student Feedback Cards (Editable)
● Pages for Your Student Teacher to Record Notes
● IEP Notes
● Student Teacher Observation Forms (Paper Copies)
● Welcome Packet (Editable)
● End of Experience Memory Book Gift
● Gift Tags for Encouragement and Good Luck
● Non-Dated Calendar Pages (Use year to year)

I also have the End of Experience Memory Book Gift available separately for anyone who is interested in solely downloading that part of the resource. This would be great for mentors who already have their forms, feedback, and schedule done for them. The memory book is an adorable way for you and your students to say goodbye to your student teacher at the end of their experience.

It’s donut themed, which you all know is my favorite thing in the world! Students will get to share their special memories with their student teacher and give their best advice for the future. Trust me, you will want to read their answers — kids say the cutest things, and your mentee will love reading what they had to say! As an added treat, you could gift the memory book with a box of donuts. Who wouldn’t love that!
The majority of the resources in the Student Teacher Mentor Pack, including the welcome packet, note taking pages, and student feedback cards are editable. This way, you can easily customize your student teacher’s experience to fit your mentor style!

If you’re preparing for a student teacher to enter your classroom, help guide them through every step of their journey and learn the ropes with the Student Teacher Mentor Pack! This resource allows you to outline their tasks for each day, give and receive valuable feedback and notes, create a calendar, gift them with welcome and goodbye tokens of appreciation, and so much more. It is a total must have for any teacher who serves as a mentor to a student teacher. Consider your prep for the mentor experience done for you!
Have you ever had a student teacher in your classroom? Do you hope to have one in the future? What kinds of things did you learn from the mentor program? Tell me all about your student teacher experiences — I’d love to hear from you!