Restate the Question Activities for the Classroom
Can I just say that these restating the question worksheets are one of my favorite activities for the classroom? Anytime you can teach kids how to restate the question, this works on their analytical skills as well as their critical thinking skills, too.
I’m a huge fan of carrying on solid conversations no matter the age of the person that you’re talking to. And with this restating the question practice, all the students in your classroom are going to learn how to do just that!
Be certain to check out this Restate the Question Worksheet Activity to have solid examples and practice for the kids to learn this process with ease. The more that they can speak clearly to more people, the better conversations and understanding of that conversation they’re going to have.

Restating The Question Practice
To be honest, this is a great activity for any classroom, no matter what the age. And as an adult, I still find myself working on this, too! Not only can these restate the question worksheet printables help with verbal communication, but they can also help with written communication as well.
As the children in your classroom learn this habit and understand it more, you’re really going to notice an increase in their deliverance of speech and listening skills, too.

How to use this Restate the Question Activity
This activity is done in sections to help the kids really understand exactly what they’re trying to learn. Since it’s a pretty big concept to understand, the unit spread out over the span of 5 days.

This gives them time to ask, process, learn, and repeat. All you have to do is print, explain, and help them understand that there are more than one way to ask a question and also more than one way to answer that question, too.

What Is Included In This Restate The Question Practice
Included in this restate that question practice, you’ll find a 5 day plan that includes:
Day 1- Anchor Chart and Whole Group Practice Game
Day 2- Scoot Game/Task Card Activity with Answer Key
Day 3- Whole Class Writing Practice Page
Day 4- Task Card Game for Independent Work
Day 5- Assessment
BONUS- Extension Activity: Quick check practice sentences

Teacher Tip: This entire unit comes with a paper version AND a digital version for Google Slides to help out all the distance learning teachers!
This structure and timeframe will help them to process and understand how to phrase, rephrase, and answer a question with ease.

Once the children complete this lesson, they’re going to be sentence pros. You’re going to be impressed with their communication skills and find that they’re able to turn a simple question into a full sentence answer and conversation. Just be certain to keep encouraging them along the way (as I know you will) so that they’ll get confidence and clarity in forming those sentences with ease.
You can grab a copy of the entire 5 Day Restate the Question Unit here!
Do you have any other fun ideas on how you’d use this Restate the Question Practice?