Fun Math Fact Worksheets for 2nd Grade Students
Typical math fact worksheets for 2nd grade are boring.
There I said it.
Passing out a stack of addition problems all lined up in rows is not engaging. Very few kids actually enjoy practicing math facts this way.
Yet we do it anyways.
I’ll be the first to admit, I’m just as guilty as the next teacher. I had my students practice their math facts on boring worksheets every day for years.
Finally it dawned on me that there HAD to be a better way to teach math facts to my second grade students.
That’s when the idea of Number Searches popped into my head. I tested out the math fact worksheets for 2nd grade in my classroom!
I figured I might as well share my new and improved math fact worksheets with my friends, and now they’ve been downloaded and used in over 4,000 classrooms!

What is a Number Search Math Fact Worksheet anyways?
A number search is like a word search, but with math facts!
Students solve their math fact, then they find the fact hidden in the rows of numbers and circle it!
I started out with addition and subtraction. Teachers were begging for multiplication and division, so I added those too!
After adding number searches to our math fact activities, I noticed kids were not only SMILING during math fluency time… but students were literally BEGGING to take extra home!
After day 3 of number searches, one of my students looked up and said, “Hey wait a second! You tricked us! This whole time I thought we were playing a game, but we are actually practicing our math facts!”
Confession: I could not stop cracking up when he yelled that across the room!

How to use Number Search Math Fact Worksheets for 2nd Grade:
I love playing math fact fluency games in the classroom, but the fact is… we don’t always have time.
I used these math fact worksheets for 2nd grade, but they would be great for 3rd grade students through 5th grade students.
Number searches are quick and easy to pass out and work on for 5-10 minutes at at time.
Students can easily slide them in their folder without worrying about losing pieces or wasting time on clean up, and they can pull them out as a “when done” activity.
I’ve also printed them as morning work, added them to centers, differentiated with some students on addition and others on multiplication, or left them in an emergency sub bin because they require no prep on my end!

Bonus: Try out Number Search Math Worksheets for Free
If you already know your kids would love the whole set, you can grab the NUMBER SEARCH BUNDLE here!
I’d be happy to send you some SAMPLE NUMBER SEARCHES so you can test them out with your students!

Math fact worksheets don’t have to be boring, and we don’t have to spend countless hours prepping games every single day either.
What’s fantastic about Number Search Math Worksheets is that they engage students and get them excited to practice math facts without the prep time from you!
Have you tried number searches? What grade level would you use them with?”